Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Life is like a Box of Chocolates..

Getting off the train into Charleston was a bit surreal.. the humidity for one felt strange, I was getting worried I'd never feel warm again! We arrived at our 'Not so' hostel to discover it was basically a house, with a porch, with rocking chairs galore. AMAZING.

We went for dinner at a traditional grill place, which was lovely until we had a little friend join us. Being British however, we sat there and watched the cockroach merrily scampering around the table for a good ten minutes casting occasional pleading glances to the waitress. I had to stand up at one point because I thought he was going to venture into my lap. We finally got someone to remove him and the owner gave us free dessert for enduring our friend for so long. A beer float made up for the experience!

Daylight brought sunshine, deep blue skys and shorts. Downtown Charleston is one of the prettiest places I've ever been to, and traditionally southern with the porches and rocking chairs. Didn't want to leave!

Savannah, Georgia was our next stop. Similar to Charleston, although bizarre how the 21 squares are the focus of the town, making it hard to pinpoint a centre to it. Saw the square where Forrest Gump sat in his famous 'life is like a box of chocolates..' speech. The visit was completed by a trip to Leopold's World Famous Ice cream shop. The Ice cream, it has to be said, was almost better than Brymor. 

Very sad to be leaving South Carolina and Georgia, however Sunshine and Beaches are beckoning...

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