Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Snow, Snow and more Snow.

The flight to Denver can only be described as an experience. When we got to the airport, a massive Blizzard started. We presumed the flight would be cancelled but oh no. We boarded then sat in a 2 hour queue of planes waiting to be de-iced, with the heating on in the cabin full blast! Sure enough, eventually de-iced it and we took off after a fleet of 20 snowploughs cleared the runway. This definately puts the Uk to shame, if so much as a snowflake falls, thats it, game over.

So we made it, picked up another hire car. This was also an experience. After being sat on a boiling plane for 5 hours with little movement, the guy in the rental place actually had the cheek to tell me I had to pay £145 extra because the car I rented wouldn't make it into the mountains. After I asked for the Manager, he actually had the cheek to change his tune to the actual reason which was, and I quote, "you will go 35mph up the mountain while other cars pass you". No sir, you have not seen how quick I can get a Skoda up Finghall Bank. Patronising B......Anyway to top it all off, we found gross contact lense solution in the pocket of the very dirty Dodge we got.

Nevertheless, we made it into the Rockies. Didn't anticipate the change of Altitude however, I suffered from Altitude sickness after heading up the top of a very big slope. I spent a good twenty minutes lying upside down on a frozen rock near the top of a mountain praying that I didn't look like a tasty bear snack and working out how I could fashion a sledge out my jacket to get down. Once I got over it, we had plenty fun playing in the deep snow at the top of the mountains. I managed to make a successful Snipe trap in which a Snipe ended up waist deep in a snow drift much to her surprise!

As much fun as the Snow was, waking up to 3ft of snow on the morning we were supposed to head to Yellowstone was not so fun. It soon became apparent that we weren't going anywhere. I can't really decribe the disappointment as Yellowstone was the main reason I wanted to come to America but as much as I'd like to, you can't control the weather. So we spent a painful 4 days trapped in Estes Park. I became so bored, I even applied for Jobs!! ha.

We managed to escape to Boulder for a couple of days, then got back on track up to Rapid City. I was so keen to get there, I missed a change in speed limit and spent an awkward 10 minutes in the car with a highway patrol officer.. He spent so long writing out his form I was convinced I was going to Jail but it turned out he was deciding whether the 'miss' on my driving license made me royalty or not. Sadly my appearance answered that question!

From Rapid city, we managed to get to Mount Rushmore which was very exciting and definately something to tick of the bucket list!! We headed back to Denver for a couple of days.

Next flight to Seattle means We've actually made it Coast to Coast!!

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